Open-Mindedness (a closed mind cannot develop)
Motivation (potential is wonderful, but without action..the word becomes stagnation)
Consistency (you must till the soil, plant the seed, and tend the reap the harvest.. in other words success is not a one-step process)
Intelligence (don't be intimidated, I didn't say degreed/You have to know your product, client, market, field, self, resources, etc. to last in this World Economy)
I will also offer this disclaimer,
I will not promise, give, reference, or show you anything that I haven't read, experienced, seen in action, or has not worked for myself and/or people I personally know.
The purpose of this blog is actually just to change a paradigm/ bridge a gap between the job, employee, worker mindset to the business owner, employer, boss mindset and this is a tool to begin and hopefully maintain that process.
Is there anything wrong with the employee/worker mentality?
Absolutely not, if you are financially comfortable, love what you do, and exactly where you want to be in life, heading exactly where you want to go. This blog is not intended for you and I respect the fact that all the pieces of this puzzle called "Life" was placed exactly where they needed to be for you.
Now, for the rest of us.
Most of us at this very moment are fortunate in many ways in our lives, but there still are the things causing:
- stress
- anxiety
- relationship issues
- parenting problems
- financial issues
Like any other "illness" we have to discuss the symptoms, to properly diagnose what is wrong with us individually, to properly cure ourselves of our "afflictions"....My Dad used to say "It ain't easy." When I was going through some challenge in life and I figured out a formula (from my experiences) for Life as I saw it. Life is all about OPTIONS, the more you have the more likely you dreams, ideas, needs, wants, will become a reality. This, my friends, is what this blog is really all about, expanding your options....
Open-Mindedness (....eliminating fear)
I will begin this topic quoting Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"....."If you want to learn to work for money, then stay in school. That is a great place to learn to do that. But if you want to learn how to have money work for you, then I will teach you that. But only if you want to learn."
"Wouldn't everyone want to learn that" I asked.
"No," said rich dad. "Simply because it's easier to learn to work for money, especially if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is discussed."
This sums up most of Capitalist America, "if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is discussed." Changing this thinking is the first step to where we diagnose the root of most of our primary ailments. Fear is quite a strong illness when it comes to our financial health..Much like the medical profession big $$$ is made off of our fear or lack of knowledge to cure ourselves. In terms of finance we are raised, taught, and guided directly into debt like it's a good or normal thing..Credit is not normal, it's exploitive, in history it was called "indentured servitude". If you think it's normal. How does it feel to owe one neighbor? 4 neighbors? 20 neighbors? To get products for which you do not presently have the $$$ for....when that becomes "normal" what becomes of the mentality of the people? Are you the debtor or creditor on your job? In your marriage/friendships? Can everything be broken down into owing and what's owed to you? Do you see just from this brief example how we are boxed into stressful situations in Life, where the "fear" comes from.
Now, in have the $$$ to pay for exactly what you receive without a balance, food, clothing, shelter basic needs all paid in full, let's not, school tuition/loans, vehicle(s), comforts (HDTV, Vacations, Dream car) in a society that pays in full for all of these items. Do you see the contrast in even imagining the reduced level of stress, tension, anxiety? See people the formulas are simple enough, it's the road out of the so-called, "Abyss" of debt that we seemed trapped in. be continued
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