Thursday, May 27, 2010

Small Things Create Big Results

We have heard it a million times in business, school, relationships and life in general.

It’s the small things that make the difference.

Then why do the vast majority of people keep searching for that magic bullet, that secret ingredient, that special something to catapult them to success?

Van Gogh said, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

Vince was a pretty talented guy. You know, Starry Nights, Irisis and like a gazillion other amazing masterpieces. We remember him for great things. Monumental things. Brilliant things.

And yet he says it was all about the small things.

Thoreau said this, “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand. Simplify, simplify.”

Henry was a pretty talented guy too and produced some literary masterpieces on his own.

Now, I am not suggesting you go cut off your ear or go find a cabin in the middle of the woods and close yourself off from the world. I mean, if you think that’s what you need, go for it…but there are likely other routes to take.

In our insanely fast paced world, we often try and do it all. We imagine ourselves into this huge life and often think we are going to get their with one great leap forward as if there is that one thing that will propel us forward into greatness.

It doesn’t work that way.

Small forwarding, positive actions over time create enduring success.

Or as Jeff Olson calls it in his bestselling book…the Slight Edge.

It’s the seemingly insignificant things that when we do them don’t seem to make a difference that over time either create greatness or perpetuate mediocrity.

In relationships with ourselves and others…

It’s getting off work a little early once a week to pick your kids up from school and spend some uninterrupted time together.

It’s having family dinner consistently together so you can just talk.

It’s bringing home flowers on a Tuesday…that’s not her birthday, anniversary or mother’s day.

It’s rubbing his shoulders without being asked.

It’s setting aside “us time” and “me time” consistently…not just when you can’t take it any more.

It’s meditating, working out and reading…at least a few times EVERY WEEK.

It’s eating that one raw meal a day.

These are all seemingly insignificant things that add up over time…and over time they contribute to the body of work that is our lives.

In business and marketing…

It’s making new contacts and exposures to your business every single day.

It’s putting out 1 single piece of good content online every day.

It’s being of value in the social media space with your dialogue and interactions.

It’s stepping up to lead even when you may not think you are ready.

It’s stretching yourself past your comfort zone…and doing it with joy.

It’s doing the thing NOW, not tomorrow or next week, but NOW!

I know that we sometimes seem to get a lot of conflicting information in the world of personal development. Some advice teaches us to focus on getting the big parts of our lives in order, to focus on vision, to make sure the most important things are our priorities.

These things are all true.

But we don’t get where we are going by leaping the chasm. We get there by putting one foot in front of the other and simply taking a step forward.

It’s really not that hard.

And that’s the challenge.

It’s simple.

So most people miss it.

Do the small things anyway.

Choose what you want. Create the vision. Decide what things need to be done to move your forward towards your goals.

Then just get started…and stay consistent…even when you don’t feel like it.

Hold your vision in mind while focusing on what’s next. What is the next thing you need to do? Then just do it.

Check it off the To-Do list.

This is so much more than just staying in action. It’s adopting a belief system that success is the culmination of many small influences and actions. It’s “a knowing” that the thing you are doing right now is either moving you closer to or further away from what you want.

Let’s go get it done.

But please, please, please…do it with style. Put YOU into your daily actions. If you are going to show up…SHOW UP!

Show up with 100% of who you are – whether it’s parenting, being intimate, marketing, training, talking to a prospect, learning from a mentor, taking care of yourself, working out, being quiet or making a difference for someone.

So what are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Retention can make or break any Network...7 ways to help your business

In MLM, retention is keeping new business partners active for the long haul.

An unfortunate statistic on MLM is that on average, three out of four new distributors lose interest in their first 3 months and quit the business. A whopping 90% of new distributors do not survive their first year!

This leads to a major drain on your income because retention is where the long-term residual income in the MLM network marketing industry comes from. The good news is that even a modest increase in your retention rate can lead to a dramatic increase in your income.

It is important to note that of new business partners who do quit, better than half of them do so in the first 90 days in business. This is the reason it is so important to start new team members quickly and help them have success in their early days in business.

For many years, I focused on prospecting and sponsoring in the network marketing industry. But, for the last several months, I concentrated more on retention. I found the results to be almost immediate and long-lasting, too. Improving the number of business partners that I hang on to has had a greater impact on increasing my monthly check than the number of new people I recruit each month.

Much of our team training now focuses on retention. Here are the keys to increasing retention in your MLM.

1. Bring top-quality people into the business the proper way. We teach our team to enroll new partners that ask to join the business. We do not teach our team to use warm-market tactics like approaching friends, neighbors, and relatives who are not even interested in the business. We do not teach our team to sell or close leads on the business. When you have to close people to get them in, you'll have to close them every time they hit a small obstacle. They are the first ones to become quitters.

2. New team members need to submit their goals in writing. Make sure their goals are realistic. Both you and your new business partner will need these goals to measure their success. Each team member's success is measured against their own goals.

3. Fast start approach. New team members need to make money early in their career for both their belief in the business and for credibility with others. Earning money quickly is the most effective retention tool!

4. Be a true servant-leader. Helping a new team member is more important than even your own prospecting. Make yourself accessible. Encourage business partners to reach your upline in your absence.

5. Proper communication. Provide necessary information, without flooding new partners with information overload. Regular emails from an autoresponder have helped keep partners in the game and help them get back on track if they've become sidetracked.

6. Recognition. For many people, recognition is an even bigger motivator than money. Even quick recognition like a telephone call is important. Recognition in front of a group has been an industry standard for years. Find ways to recognize business partners regularly.

7. Training. Effective training should be available by several means, both live and recorded. We've had best success offering training via a mix of live webinars, recorded webinars available 24/7, training videos, email series, and individual mentoring.

Shift more of your focus to retention in your network marketing business. You will enjoy a big increase in your long-term residual income.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

MasterMind Groups- What's in it for you?

What is a MasterMind Group?

There is synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a MasterMind Group. The beauty of MasterMind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion. MasterMind participants act as catalysts for growth, devil’s advocates and supportive colleagues.

The concept of the MasterMind Group was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s. In his timeless classic, "Think And Grow Rich" he wrote about the Mastermind principle as:

"The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony."

He continues …

"No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible
intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind."

In a MasterMind Group, the agenda belongs to the group, and each person’s participation is key. Your peers give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities, and set up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track. You will create a community of supportive colleagues who will brainstorm together to move the group to new heights.

You’ll gain tremendous insights, which can improve your business and personal life. Your MasterMind Group is like having a objective board of directors.

What Will You Get From It?

* Experience, skill and confidence
* Real progress in your business and personal life
* An instant and valuable support network
* A sense of shared endeavor - there are others out there!
* Design things to be the way you want them to be, not as you’ve been told they "should" be

Who Should Attend?

People who:

* have a similar interest (such as a group for self-employed people, or
a group for spiritual thinkers, or a group for people in a certain corporation or industry)
* have a similar skill and/or success level
* have the desire and inspiration to make this year extraordinary
* want a supportive team of MasterMind partners
* want to reach or exceed their goals
* are ready to let their desire to be passionate about their life and work overcome their fear of change

How Does It Work?

MasterMind Groups can meet in person, on the telephone, or via online message boards. For those groups that meet in person or on the phone, typically a once-a-month meeting is scheduled.

Because of the group nature, a commitment is required. Look for highly-motivated people who are willing to ask for—and give—help and support.
How Do You Screen Applicants?

Before agreeing to let any new applicants into your group, it’s important to screen them to make sure they’ll fit into the existing group and that their commitment level is high. Decide in advance how many people should be in your group (5-8 is recommended), and only allow new members into the group with the unanimous consent of everyone in the group.

* Do you have a personal or business mission or vision statement?
* What are your five-year goals?
* Where will you find time to participate in the MasterMind Group?
* What is your commitment to moving forward in your business and personal life?
* Why should you be chosen to participate in this group?

Even with a screening process your group is likely to run across people who say that they’re committed but then don’t participate, or who say that they’re honest but then fail to keep the trust of the group.

Be prepared to ask people to leave the group who are not participating up to the group standard and do it quickly once the poor behavior becomes evident. A "slacking" member will bring down the energy and fun level for the whole group.

MasterMind Groups create a win-win situation for all participants. New friendships develop and everyone grows because of the support and encouragement of the MasterMind Group.

As an Entrepreneur you should surround yourself with successful people that provoke thought and evoke an unweilding sense of personal accomplshment, the MasterMind Group is that tool to take it to the next level and beyond.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Vital Key To Building A Healthy Network

No system, no plan, your dead. The system is a plan to follow, allows you to know if your on track or not. A good leader should be able to outline their complete system before you start with them. What is the game plan, what does it cost in terms of time, investment and skills you need to obtain.

What composes a good system? Make sure you have one for success. So read the next few paragraphs carefully. Your time and your money are at stake. And losing time can cost you thousands in lost income.

New distributors suffer from the same things.
1. Some have poor people skills and poorer marketing skills.
2. They need to make their new business WORK, this can tend to make them desperate.
3. They do not know that a mentor is vital to their success.
4. They have no idea why their prospect signed up.
5. They usually under funded.
6. They always need prospects, always, but talking to people scares them.

The good news is your mentor can teach you these skills and you really can make it in networking.

This is not theory for me.

Here are the key points to a good system.

1. Training-mentoring Group and one & ones
2. Prospecting - lead generation
3. Quality company with doable pay plan
4. Presentation(s) that work
5. Functions - Online and Off

There are other things that comprise a good system, but these are the driving forces of a good system.

Lastly, it is important that you understand the costs involved in various on and off-line systems. No matter what, the system should do one thing, create an ability for anyone to prosper if followed.

Systems are for one thing and one thing only, good business for all, everyone. Me, you, your team and their team. I use the exact same method to building my team as what I teach.

So before you join anyone, understand what the key tool (their system) your upline uses to build with. It has to be available to everyone at reasonable cost. It has to be the same system they use, as well as you.

No system, no SUCCESS. I cannot be more clear than this.